
This page describes a collection of classes specialized for holding data relevant to the geometry of the game world. It contains descriptions of the following types: Direction, Movement, Orientation, View, Vector, Rectangle, CellFace, CellView, LongDirectionMap, and BoolDirectionMap.


The class Direction represents one of the four cardinal directions. The global values UP, RIGHT, DOWN, and LEFT are of this type.


The class Movement represents a possible movement. In particular, a movement is either a direction or the value NEUTRAL which indicates no movement.

Constructors direction)
Constructs either the neutral movement (first overload) or the movement corresponding to a given direction (second overload).

Member Functions

Direction? as_direction()
Returns the corresponding direction to this movement, unless the movement is neutral, in which case returns nil.


The class Orientation represents the eight possible ways for a block to be oriented with respect to another. Mathematically speaking, members of this class are elements of the dihedral group of order eight (the set of symmetries of a square). There are eight global values, corresponding to the identity symmetry, three rotations, and four reflections. Possible values are: ID, R1, R2, R3, F0, F1, F2, and F3.

Member Functions

Orientation inverse()
Returns the inverse to this orientation.
bool is_rotation()
Returns true if the orientation is a rotation (i.e. one of ID, R1, R2, or R3)

Special Functions

Orientation operator mul(Orientation a, Orientation b)
Returns the composition of two symmetries; in particular, the return value is the result of applying symmetry b followed by symmetry a.


The class View is a light wrapper around an Orientation which is used to represent how one frame of reference relates to another; it is used most prominently to specify how to transform game coordinates to the local coordinates of a block.


Orientation object_to_view
The transformation taking place to take an object's true coordinates to the viewed coordinates.

Member Functions

View reverse()
Returns a view that reverses the role of viewer and object. This view instead transforms viewed coordinates to true coordinates.
View transform(Orientation transformation)
Returns a view representing the result of taking the current frame of reference and applying the passed orientation to it; equivalent to multiplying objectToView by transformation.inverse().

Special Functions

View operator call(View)
Direction operator call(Direction)
Vector operator call(Vector)
Given some object relating to the viewed object, returns that object transformed into the view's coordinate system.


The class Vector represents a two dimensional vector with integer coordinates. The typical coordinate system in the game has its origin in the bottom-left corner, with positive y coordinates facing upwards and positive x coordinates going leftwards.

Constructors x, Int y)
The first constructor gives (0, 0). The second gives (x, y). The third constructor gives a unit vector in the given direction. The last one is like the third, but gives (0, 0) if NEUTRAL is passed.


Int x
The x coordinate of the vector. Can also be accessed as vector[0].
Int y
The y coordinate of the vector. Can also be accessed as vector[1].
String type
Always equal to "Vector"

Member Functions

Vectord as_vectord()
Returns a floating point vector with the same coordinates.

Special Functions

Vector operator add(Vector, Vector)
Vector operator sub(Vector, Vector)
Vector operator mul(Vector, Int)
Vector operator mul(Int, Vector)
Vector operator unm(Vector)


The class Vectord represents a two dimensional vector with floating point coordinates. The typical coordinate system in the game has its origin in the bottom-left corner, with positive y coordinates facing upwards and positive x coordinates going leftwards.

Constructors x, Float y)
The first constructor gives (0, 0). The second gives (x, y). The third constructor gives a unit vector in the given direction. The last one is like the third, but gives (0, 0) if NEUTRAL is passed.


Float x
The x coordinate of the vector. Can also be accessed as vector[0].
Float y
The y coordinate of the vector. Can also be accessed as vector[1].
String type
Always equal to "Vectord"

Special Functions

Vectord operator add(Vectord, Vectord)
Vectord operator sub(Vectord, Vectord)
Vectord operator mul(Vectord, Float)
Vectord operator mul(Float, Vectord)
Vectord operator unm(Vectord)


The class Rectangle represents a rectangle with integer coordinates.

Constructor, Vector), Vector)),Int), (Int,Int))),Int), Vector), (Int,Int)), Int, Int, Int),Int)), Int)
Returns a rectangle spanning from one argument to the other. Pairs of integers are interpreted as vectors when passed to this function. If only a single vector or pair of integers is passed, a rectangle with both lesser and greater is produced.

This method automatically reconfigures the coordinates so that the coordinates of lesser do not exceed those of greater.

Rectangle.raw(Vector, Vector)
Rectangle.raw((Vector, Vector))
Rectangle.raw(((Int,Int), (Int,Int)))
Rectangle.raw((Int,Int), Vector)
Rectangle.raw(Vector, (Int,Int))
Rectangle.raw(Int, Int, Int, Int)
Rectangle.raw(Int, Int)
Returns a rectangle spanning from one argument to the other. Pairs of integers are interpreted as vectors when passed to this function. If only a single vector or pair of integers is passed, a rectangle with both lesser and greater is produced.

The first pair passed to this method will become lesser and the second pair will become greater. No adjustment is made, even if the coordinates of lesser are greater than those of greater.


Vector lesser
The corner of the rectangle with the smaller x and y coordinates.
Vector greater
The corner of the rectangle with the greater x and y coordinates.

Member Functions

Rectangle translate(Vector amount)
Returns a rectangle that has been translated by amount.
Boolean contains(Vector point)
Boolean contains(Rectangle rect)
Tests whether the argument is fully contained within the rectangle.
Vector center()
Returns a center point of the rectangle (rounded if no integer center exists).
Vector size()
Returns the size of the rectangle. Equal to greater-lesser.
Vector lower_right()
Returns the lower right corner of the rectangle.
Vector upper_left()
Returns the upper left corner of the rectangle.
Rectangle join(Rectangle other)
Returns the smallest rectangle containing both this and other.
Rectangle expand(Int amount)
Grows the rectangle in all directions by the specified amount.
Rectangled as_rectangled()
Returns a rectangle with the same coordinates, but with floating points instead of integers. Note that you may often wish to expand rectangles after converting them since integer rectangles are interpreted to include their extreme points, whereas a floating point rectangles are not.
String type
Always equal to "Rectangle"


The class Rectangled represents a rectangle with floating point coordinates.

Constructor, Vectord), Vectord)), Float),), Float), Vectord), (Float, Float)), Float, Float, Float), Float)), Float)
Returns a rectangle spanning from one argument to the other. Pairs of numbers are interpreted as vectors when passed to this function. If only a single vector or pair of numbers is passed, a rectangle with both lesser and greater is produced.

This method automatically reconfigures the coordinates so that the coordinates of lesser do not exceed those of greater.

Rectangled.raw(Vectord, Vectord)
Rectangled.raw((Vectord, Vectord))
Rectangled.raw(((Int,Int), (Int,Int)))
Rectangled.raw((Int,Int), Vectord)
Rectangled.raw(Vectord, (Int,Int))
Rectangled.raw(Int, Int, Int, Int)
Rectangled.raw(Int, Int)
Returns a rectangle spanning from one argument to the other. Pairs of numbers are interpreted as vectors when passed to this function. If only a single vector or pair of numbers is passed, a rectangle with both lesser and greater is produced.

The first pair passed to this method will become lesser and the second pair will become greater. No adjustment is made, even if the coordinates of lesser are greater than those of greater.


Vectord lesser
The corner of the rectangle with the smaller x and y coordinates.
Vectord greater
The corner of the rectangle with the greater x and y coordinates.

Member Functions

Rectangled translate(Vectord amount)
Returns a rectangle that has been translated by amount.
Boolean contains(Vectord point)
Boolean contains(Rectangled rect)
Tests whether the argument is fully contained within the rectangle.
Vectord center()
Returns a center point of the rectangle.
Vectord size()
Returns the size of the rectangle. Equal to greater-lesser.
Vectord lower_right()
Returns the lower right corner of the rectangle.
Vectord upper_left()
Returns the upper left corner of the rectangle.
Rectangled join(Rectangled other)
Returns the smallest rectangle containing both this and other.
Rectangled expand(Float amount)
Grows the rectangle in all directions by the specified amount.
String type
Always equal to "Rectangled"


The class CellFace consists of a position along with one direction, representing a face of a cell on the grid.

Constructor position, Direction face)
Returns a CellFace representing the face given by face of the cell at position
Copies an instance of CellFace.


Vector position
The position of the block to which the face belongs.
Direction face
The direction of the face represented from the block's center.


The class CellView consists of a position along with a view, representing a particular frame of reference centered on a particular cell..

Constructor position, View view)
Returns a CellView representing the view of the cell at position by the transformation view.
Copies an instance of CellView.


Vector position
The position of the viewed cell.
View view
The view represented.

Member Functions

CellView transform(Orientation transformation)
Returns a CellView representing the view of the cell at position by the transformation view.
CellFace getFace(Direction direction)
Returns, in global coordinates, the face in the given local direction.


The class LongDirectionMap is a container associating directions to integer values.

Constructor up, Int right, Int down, Int left)
Constructs an object with the given associated values. Arguments default to zero.


The expressions map[UP], map[RIGHT], map[DOWN], and map[LEFT] are integers which may be accessed and assigned.


The class BoolDirectionMap is a container associating directions to boolean values.

Constructor up, Boolean right, Boolean down, Boolean left)
Constructs an object with the given associated values. Arguments default to false.


The expressions map[UP], map[RIGHT], map[DOWN], and map[LEFT] are booleans which may be accessed and assigned.


CoordinateTransform is a type representing symmetries of the grid consisting of a rotation and a translation.

Constructor offset) offset, Orientation rotation) rotation)
Constructs a transformation with the specified offset (where the origin vector goes to under transformation) and rotation (how input vectors are transformed prior to translation).


Vector offset
The translational component of the transformation.
Orientation orientation
The rotational component of the transformation.

Member Functions

Vector transform(Vector input)
CellFace transform(CellFace input)
Applies the transformation to a given object.
CoordinateTransform inverse()
Returns a coordinate transformation that undoes the current one.

Special Functions

CoordinateTransform operator mul(CoordinateTransform a, CoordinateTransform b)
Returns the composition of two coordinate transforms, which is the transform obtained by performing b then performing a.